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KGF Prayer Workshop 2019

Pastor Beatrice Katshunga

6 July 2019


The KGF 2019 Prayer Workshop themed "The Attitude of an Intercessor in the Face of Chaos" had been geared towards equipping intercessors to confront and handle chaos though their attitude and prayers. With KGF founder Pastor Beatrice Katshunga as host, the attendees had uncovered the elements surrounding chaos and an intercessors attitude in the face of it. During the message themes defining what chaos is, its nature and the reactions to chaos. Thereafter once chaos had been understood the themes surrounding attitude and intercession where explored taking examples from biblical characters, group discussions and presentations which made an interactive and enjoyable experience for all who had attended and learned. We trust you will be blessed through the summary below.


The definition of chaos as taken from the book of Hebrews as the Vast Void with

other verses noted as:

  • Genesis 1:1-2

  • Matthew 13:24-30

  • 2 Timothy 3:1-5

  • Genesis 11:5-7

It was noted that the reality is that chaos will continue until judgment day. Therefore, as intercessors we have to be aware of what is going on around the world in order to position ourselves correctly to be effective Keepers of God’s Fortresses.

With in mind one needs to understand the nature of chaos that is:

  • Disagreeable

  • Disgraceful

  • Disruptive

  • Destructive

  • Difficult to deal with

And the usual reactions to chaos entails that people:


Flight would mean that individuals would evade and even ignore the chaos and includes actions such as:

  • withdrawal

  • passive aggressive

  • running away

  • denial of the chaos


Fighting aims to face the chaos and comes in two parts both positive and negative.

  • positive: moving towards finding the solution

  • negative: moving in anger and aggressive


Individuals would be overwhelmed and become subject to fear and would take no action. Other feelings include:

  • ambivalent

  • numbness

  • paralyses

Seek Safety and Refuge

Similar to flight however, individuals would find coping mechanisms such as:

  • News on Television

  • Social Media

  • Radio

Chaos can be very overwhelming. It makes you feel powerless and can cause discouragement.


A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

Synonyms – Approach, mindset, inclination, outlook, perspective, reaction

Our altitude dictates our success in life.

The following verses were used to describe which attitude intercessors should have:

  • Philippians 2:5

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

  • Philippians 4:6

  • Philippians 1:27

ATTITUDE is a choice we make.

First Discussion

The following questions where discussed and shared amounts the attendees

  1. Describe three chaotic situations that you have encountered and how they affected your life? Share how you handled them?

  2. As an intercessor, what is your natural inclination when faced with difficult, overwhelming issues that do not make sense in Individual ,Community, Global contexts

  3. Share two Biblical examples on how Jesus dealt with the issues He encountered?


Intercession comes from the Hebrew word PAGA – which means:

  • To strike or hit the mark -be specific

  • To meet with God for the purpose of reconciliation

  • To attack just as a soldier

To intercede is to go in between and intercession is a spiritual work of faith. Therefore an intercessor is a servant called to stand between a resourceful God and His needy people. Luke 11:5-6

Some bible characters seen interceding are:

  • Abraham

  • Moses

  • Esther

  • Jesus

The Four Great Attitudes of an Intercessor vs Chaos

1. Submission to God’s will

  • Seek God’s will about the situation.

  • Taking Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as an example "not my will but yours be done"

Luke 22:42

Generally, as human beings, we enjoy security. We tend to seek what is comfortable and stable, yet the reality of our world is that instability does exist. Therefore, knowing God’s will becomes key in order for us to effectively address the chaos around us.

2. Humility

Acknowledgement of ones limitations and knowing that they are not self-sufficient

2 Chronicles 20:19

Choose to lift your eyes above your natural limitations and look into God’s UNLIMITED RESOURCES. This will result in peace ruling your heart and mind.

3. Hope

  • A positive outlook to life.

  • A happy anticipation of good things

  • A favorable and confident expectation

1 Kings 18:41-46 ; Hebrews 6:19

4. Faith

It comes from a Hebrew word, pistis which means firm persuasion.

  • It is a complete trust in God

  • It is a conviction based upon hearing

  • It is to rely upon God’s character and power

  • In the midst of impossibilities, trouble and chaos we choose to trust God

Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 21:22 ; John 15:16

In prayer, our faith matters. GOD is:

  • Sovereign

  • Unchangeable

  • He is in control

  • Nothing can undermine or move Him

  • God can solve any problem

Genesis 18:14 ; Jeremiah 32:17 - 27

Second Discussion

  1. What are the practical steps that you are committing to implement in your life when you face chaotic situations?

  2. How does prayer affect an intercessor’s attitude?

More details are seen in the prayer workshop manual and you may download your copy of the workshop manual using the following link.

We praise God for the opportunity to touch so many lives through prayer as well as providing us the platforms to do so. We truly appreciate all the workshop attendees whom have come to learn and discuss as well as partners whom support the work through their time in prayer and donations.

To God Be The Glory

-Keepers of Gods Fortresses

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