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KGF Young Warriors

Young Warriors fall under the umbrella of Keepers of God's Fortresses vision whose sole purpose is, "Engaging Heaven in Earthy Matters". In this project, children are trained and equipped through a 2 year course to stand in the gap worldwide as God representatives in matters of prayer and intercession for their families, schools and society.

There is a growing need of intercessors around the world and an even greater need for true ambassadors of Christ in society. Young Warriors exist to groom children to be genuine Christians and learn how to stand in the gap for the voiceless and oppressed. As scripture states, 'the prayers of the righteous availeth much', meaning even children are able to stand successfully in the gap for others in prayer.

Our aim is that when each child is done with the course he/she must be able to stand and possibly lead others in prayer. The child will also need to have an understanding of the importance of prayer and mature from being forced or obliged by a parent or guardians to pray

About Young Warriors

Our Mission

  1. Organizing fortnightly interactive classes and training sessions to simplify matters regarding prayer.

  2. Through teaching supported by biblical principles, we seek to bring an understanding and a great of effectiveness in prayer.

  3. Organize events with family members and peers to pray together as well as discuss different topics on how to pray

Young Warriors Mission

  1. To Equip young people worldwide to pray effectively

  2. To train them in matters of prayer and intercession.


  •  Learning how to pray

  •  Development of social skills

  •  Learning how to speak and share publicly including their faith


Young Warriors work with youngsters between the age of 10-16 years. We believe that this age gap is critical as children are at the stage of accountability where they will be making decisions on whether to receive Christ or not. Through our teachings a strong foundation about one of the most fundamental principles of any Christian is laid, that is, prayer.

Course Outline


  • First Semester (February - June): focuses on the basics of prayer, such as ‘What is prayer, Who are you praying to, Where and when can you pray, The different types of prayer, How to pray effectively.’

  • Second Semester (July- December): focuses on the more practical parts of prayer, such as ‘Understanding the Lord's Prayer, What to couple prayer with in order for it to work and Learning to listen to God.’


  • We meet every two weeks in a semester. All dates are available on our manual that each child obtains at the beginning of the year.

  • Lessons on basics of prayer.

  • We have two tests that are done in a year. The aim is to test retention as well understanding of concepts taught.

  • We offer manuals with vital information on prayer

  • Outings for kids, so as to develop other interpersonal skills that aid ones' prayer life and personal development.

Growth of a Young Warrior

After completing the first year course, children with a passion to grow more in their prayer life will meet on set days primarily dedicated to prayer. The prayer sessions will cover praying for families, churches and other areas that the Holy Spirit prompts us to focus on. Moreover, Keepers of God's Fortresses believe that for a child to grow in his/her life of prayer it is vital for the parents to be part of the training process. Corporate prayer or prayers of agreement are always vital in any society to ensure progress. At the Family Prayer Day families are equipped and taught the importance of praying together.

Engaging Heaven In Earthly Matters

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