Gospel Ramah Church Bishop Tshalo Katshunga 30 June 2019
John 18:1; John 16:20
Intercession is critical in times of distress.
- God is resourceful, willing and able to intervene on our behalf.
The transition from words (prayer) to works (action) is difficult.
- People confuse prayer and practical works.
- You cannot pray without God giving you the solution to what you are praying for.
- People find it difficult to act on what God is saying as it requires them to be out of their comfort zone.
- If intercession remains in words it is not effective as it is meant to transit into works.
- You need to be willing to act upon what God lays on your heart to do.
- The supreme end of our intercession is for God to raise us as solutions.
The ministry of intercession (ministry of love) is meant to develop us into willing actors.
- As a child of God, you need to be willing to do something about what you are praying for.
- Intercession turns intercessors to become solutions to what they are praying about.
- Many people choose to just pray and not an act on what God lays on their heart to do.
- You cannot pray to God for people in need without God making you the answer to their problems.
- When you pray, God creates in you a willing spirit to do what He has called you to do.
- When people encounter God they change their perspectives and priorities.
Don't wait for someone else to address issues, you do it!
- Jesus chose to lose His own life for the redemption of humanity.
- He crossed the valley in order for humanity to be saved.
- When you pray, you view life the way God views it.
What vision do you have with the life God has given you?
- Isaiah 6:8
Intercessory prayer, if practiced properly, forces us to think seriously about what to do to improve our environment and the people who live in it.
- Intercession - improving the fate of people.
What are you going to cross over to the other side for because you prayed?
- God will never disappoint you when you place your life in God's hands.
- Christianity is not a selfish religion.
Supreme End of Intercession = God creating a willing heart in you to act on what you are praying about.
1. Self sacrifice
Your prayer is meaningless if you are not willing to self sacrifice.
- Being willing to serve God with your time, talent and treasure.
- Isaiah 6:8
- Lord, here I am, send me!
- God appreciates it when you self sacrifice.
John 10:17
If you want to be loved by God, you need to be willing to self sacrifice.
- God pays special attention to those who are willing to go an extra mile to do what He has called them to be.
- Every Christian that is abundantly blessed by God have one character in common, they are givers (time, talents & treasure).
Without sacrifice there is no beauty.
- God loves people who sacrifice.
- A Christian life becomes relevant when it makes an impact in other people's lives.
- Whenever you self sacrifice, you die to self.
John 15:12-13
Until you sacrifice for someone, you don't love them enough.
- The language of love is sacrifice.
- How have you sacrificed for God?
- What have you sacrificed for people to get to know God?
Romans 12:1-2
God's grace is not for you to consume but contribute.
Self sacrifice is the essence of true love.
- Prayer without practical action is a mockery.
- Love is a verb; it comes with a cost and requires practical action.
2. Sustained Service
Find opportunities to serve and make a difference.
John 13:12-17
Don't put too much conditions you need before you begin to serve.
- It is serving one another that speaks to why we pray.
Romans 12:3-7
We all have a gift that God has given us to be a blessing to humanity.
Galatians 6:7-9; Hebrews 6:10-12; 1 John 3:16-18
You need to cross from Words (prayer) to works (practical action).
Sustained Service is the mark of true love. - You prove your love when you serve others. - Prayer should lead us to sacrificial service.