You’ve always been in my heart and prayers. But I thought it would be good to write to you for two reasons; one to touch base in a tangible way, but second to remind you of an important truth: “a national lockdown will never be able to bring about a Kingdom lockout of our prayers.”
I’d like to share with you some reflection drawn from a familiar passage in the Bible. Psalm 18:6 NLT point to some interesting points of reflection; “But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.”
Though the above passage offers more nuggets of truth, yet I’ll share only three with you:
a. Great distress is a reality we cannot deny. We live in an evil world where people do evil deeds that affect us very negatively. “Denialism” is not the ministry we intercessors have received from the Lord. But “Fatalism” has to be combated because we have been given the mandate to engage heaven in earthly matters. “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it’s in heaven.”
b. Great cry to the LORD is the most potent weapon at our disposal. Our corporate responsibility, in times like these, as watchmen is not to join the crowd crying out in fear; rather to make a difference with cries of faith. Therefore let us continually lift up our voices to our God who will not lockout our prayers from his sanctuary and let us lock our effort together as watchmen on the walls of our troubled world.
c. Great divine intervention is the insurance which reassures us in these challenging times. The song writer proceeded to state in the following verses the three divine intervention; he heard which means he took the time to pay attention to the cry of his praying child, he helped which means he put the necessary resources in place to deal with the matter, and he healed which means he dealt with the issue so as the reverse its course.
Be encouraged with this short reflection in this time and let us keep pressing on in the presence of God because he is in control.
All of the Best
Ps. Beatrice Katshunga